Why is it so important to understand your Nervous System function?

The nervous system is a complex network of cells and tissues that carries signals to and from the brain and the rest of the body. Much like an engine in a car, our nervous system is what keeps us going day-to-day. It’s responsible for all the involuntary actions we take for granted, like keeping our heart rate stable, digesting food, and producing hormones. If your nervous system isn’t working properly, it can cause all sorts of health problems. That’s why it’s so important to understand your nervous system function and take steps to improve it if needed. So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your health, understanding how your nervous system works is the best place to start.

How Does the Nervous System Work?

The nervous system is made up of two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The PNS consists of all the nerves that extend from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. The PNS is further divided into two parts: the somatic nervous system, which controls voluntary movement; and the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary processes.

The somatic nervous system is responsible for transmitting signals from the CNS to the muscles. This type of signal transmission is mostly under voluntary control, meaning we are conscious of it happening. For example, when you decide to pick up a book, signals are sent from your brain to your muscles telling them to contract in order to perform this action. This signal transmission is also responsible for involuntary muscle contractions, meaning it happens without us thinking about it. This is commonly known as a reflex. For example, if you touch a hot stove, your brain quickly sends a message to the muscles in your arm to remove your hand before you get burned.

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for controlling involuntary processes, such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and respiration. This type of signal transmission is not under voluntary control—meaning we are not consciously aware of it happening—and happens below the level of our consciousness. For example, when you exercise, your heart rate increases in order to pump more oxygenated blood to your muscles. However, you are not consciously thinking about increasing your heart rate; rather, this happens automatically in response to physical activity.

Nervous system dysfunction can lead to a wide variety of health problems

The nervous system plays a vital role in maintaining proper body function. When its function is impaired, it can lead to serious health issues such as chronic fatigue, migraines, depression, and many more. It is essential to identify any nervous system dysfunction in order to prevent health complications from developing. However, if you currently have complicated or minor medical conditions, treating the nervous system is still vital and may be the answer to your concerns. It is important to seek professional help from a Gonstead chiropractor if nervous system dysfunction is suspected so that the issue can be properly diagnosed and treated. Left untreated, nervous system dysfunction can have serious consequences on the health of an individual. It is important to take nervous system dysfunction seriously and act accordingly. Doing so can help prevent serious health complications down the road, and reverse health complications you may currently have.

How do I know if I have Nervous System dysfunction?

If your nervous system isn’t functioning properly, neither will other body organ systems. That’s why it’s so important to understand your nervous system function, get it tested, and take steps to improve it if needed.

The #1 way to test nervous system function is to go to a Gonstead Chiropractor that utilizes the CLA Insight technology. The CLA Insight is a three-part scanning procedure that measures both somatic and autonomic nervous system function. This means that it tests how the nervous system is controlling postural muscles as well as major body organ systems. This, along with full spine x-rays, provides the Gonstead Chiropractor with a great deal of understanding of your specific nervous system function, and chiropractic needs. To learn more about this test, click here.

It’s important to note that the Nervous System is constantly adapting. Humans are constantly under a great deal of stress, including physical, emotional, and chemical. Our Nervous System is responsible for adapting to that stress. Therefore, our nervous system function is always changing. Meaning, if you forego chiropractic care to improve your Nervous System function, it’s essential to maintain that optimal function with routine checkups.


The nervous system is a complex network of cells and tissues that plays a vital role in maintaining our health. By understanding how it works and what can impact its function negatively, we can take steps to protect ourselves from developing serious health conditions later in life or correcting our current conditions. By getting our Nervous System tested regularly and taking the steps to improve it if needed, we can help keep our nervous systems functioning optimally day after day.